
Smoking gun: Email proves Rep. Vincent Harris complicit in arrest and battery of local musician Darian James

Citizens for Real Change confirmed the validity of an email sent by an anonymous tipster containing a hyperlink to the screenshot of an email between Police Chief Robert Earl and Congressman Vincent Harris.

In the email, Chief Earl asks Harris: "Do you want us to beat some more sense into him (Darian James)?"

Citizens for Real Change witnessed the police brutality yesterday as Darian James, an unassuming young man, was minding his own business watching the Anti-Harris Street Theatre group performing across the street from the Ritz-Carlton.

Jimmy Laughlin, a street theatre performer witnessed the incident:

"I heard a cop say - 'look there's the kid' - and they (the cops) just jumped on him. One of them sprayed Darian with a can of mace and kicked him to the pavement. The other cops just started wailing on the poor guy with nightsticks. It was totally unprovoked. I couldn't believe it."

Click here to read the entire email.

Civil rights lawyer David Rosenfeld is expected to file a lawsuit against the police department, Chief Earl and Rep. Vincent Harris.


Street theatre with a purpose... join us!

Join the Anti-Harris Arts and Activism Task Force for street theatre near Harris' fundraiser at the Ritz-Carlton Hotel in Santa Clara. Join us with signs, costumes and plenty of energy!

Here are some ideas for costumes:

* Suitcases of money - corruption

* Prison garb - send Harris to jail

* Dracula or devil costumes - always fun

The Task Force will meet at the McDonald's on Royal Boulevard and Third Street in Rancho Laurata at approximately 10am tomorrow. Drivers will take the performers to a location across the street from the Harris fundraiser at the Ritz-Carlton.

Hope you can join us.

Pathetic Public Support for Harris

This past weekend, on a wonderful morning at the Santa Rosita Metro Station, Rep. Vincent Harris' campaign held one of their precinct walks.

One would think that a person of Harris' stature would garner some public support from the people in his district. They had one peson show up - an unidentified Harris campaign staffer. The staffer put up a "Harris" sign at 10am and then waited in a white Mercedes. After absolutely NO volunteers showed up, the unidentified staffer packed up the sign and left.


How could a person accused of taking money from big donors and depositing them into his personal bank account be popular with the people? Maybe he should tell them that he supported bills that would export their jobs to Malaysia and Vietnam? How about telling your constituents you denied the expansion of the Ventana Freeway because it cut through your father's farmland?

Yeah, I can see why people won't come out to support you. Time to start shelling out $10/hr to students and retirees for some paid support.

The people don't like you Rep. Harris. Do us all a favor and resign.

Why won't he answer a simple question?

Rep. Vincent Harris was not present at the Voter Awareness Project Q&A. According to one of Harris' handlers, the format was too much "like a debate." Other candidates were present, but the Big Kahuna was far away from his constituents, probably trying to figure out a way to get out of the corruption scandal.

Why won't Harris answer questions from his employers... the people of the 63rd Congressional District? Does he think he's better than us?

Apparently, he does.

Claire Stanton, a retired schoolteacher, visited Harris' office and also faxed a request to meet her Congressmen. She wanted to ask him questions she had asked other candidates at the Voter Awareness Project Q&A. Harris refused. When a group of constituents showed up at his office wanting to ask Harris their questions... Harris refused... AGAIN.

If your Congressman won't take the time to talk to you - why should you keep him in office?

Vote Harris out, NOW!

Harris is bad for your health - give him the BOOT!

Congressman Vincent Harris failed the district, voting again to fill his personal coffers with taxpayer money. Not only is Harris guilty of corruption, he is guilty of not caring about the people of this district.

He voted against bills promoting the general health and wellness of people in the 63rd Congressional District. Here's a list:

* Harris is AGAINST the development of the Santa Pinas and Rancho Laurata public transportation systems and railways. This means too many people have to commute to work on the only three lane highway from Santa Pinas into San Francisco.

* Harris is FOR inefficient public transportation means that workers have to spend significant amounts of time on the road rather than at work or with the family.

* Harris is FOR commuters creating more pollution from their vehicles' exhaust systems, endangering wildlife and habitat on the Santa Pinas ridge.

* What about the air quality, Mr. Harris? Air pollution in the valley is linked to an uncharacteristically high asthma rate for children and adults in the 63rd Congressional district. Most areas in the 63rd district are on California's top ten-list of places with dangerously high asthma rates.

Other than taking bribes, what has Congressman Harris done for you?

Rep. Vincent Harris breaks crucial ethics law

The Thatch Act is a law that limits participation of federal workers in political campaigns. You can understand the reasons. It's to protect the public, since politicians can influence government employees and conversely, the government employees can be paid with YOUR tax dollars.

Well, one of the problems is that members of the San Alejandro courthouse were a little more than angry when Rep. Harris showed up on their worktime and campaigned for their vote.

The Thatch Act specifically states that government employees should be off the clock and out of uniform or government vehicles and AWAY from the work place when dealing with politicians.

Well, some of the courthouse employees were none to happy when Congressman Harris began shaking employees hands and thanking them for a "job well done" this year.

A court clerk asked courthouse Director of Communications, Jonathan Frey, if Congressman Harris' engagement with government employees was legal. Mr. Frey responded "what are they going to do... really?" Mr. Frey also asked courthouse employees if they were going to be voting for Rep. Harris.

A complaint was filed on behalf of courthouse employees after Congressman Harris' visit. The filing states that employees were intimidated and forced to listen to the Congressman.

Well, if Rep. Vincent Harris is corrupt and unethical, well how do you suppose he can uphold the basic laws of our country?

We need to take back district 63!!!!