
Harris is bad for your health - give him the BOOT!

Congressman Vincent Harris failed the district, voting again to fill his personal coffers with taxpayer money. Not only is Harris guilty of corruption, he is guilty of not caring about the people of this district.

He voted against bills promoting the general health and wellness of people in the 63rd Congressional District. Here's a list:

* Harris is AGAINST the development of the Santa Pinas and Rancho Laurata public transportation systems and railways. This means too many people have to commute to work on the only three lane highway from Santa Pinas into San Francisco.

* Harris is FOR inefficient public transportation means that workers have to spend significant amounts of time on the road rather than at work or with the family.

* Harris is FOR commuters creating more pollution from their vehicles' exhaust systems, endangering wildlife and habitat on the Santa Pinas ridge.

* What about the air quality, Mr. Harris? Air pollution in the valley is linked to an uncharacteristically high asthma rate for children and adults in the 63rd Congressional district. Most areas in the 63rd district are on California's top ten-list of places with dangerously high asthma rates.

Other than taking bribes, what has Congressman Harris done for you?