
Why won't he answer a simple question?

Rep. Vincent Harris was not present at the Voter Awareness Project Q&A. According to one of Harris' handlers, the format was too much "like a debate." Other candidates were present, but the Big Kahuna was far away from his constituents, probably trying to figure out a way to get out of the corruption scandal.

Why won't Harris answer questions from his employers... the people of the 63rd Congressional District? Does he think he's better than us?

Apparently, he does.

Claire Stanton, a retired schoolteacher, visited Harris' office and also faxed a request to meet her Congressmen. She wanted to ask him questions she had asked other candidates at the Voter Awareness Project Q&A. Harris refused. When a group of constituents showed up at his office wanting to ask Harris their questions... Harris refused... AGAIN.

If your Congressman won't take the time to talk to you - why should you keep him in office?

Vote Harris out, NOW!