
Pathetic Public Support for Harris

This past weekend, on a wonderful morning at the Santa Rosita Metro Station, Rep. Vincent Harris' campaign held one of their precinct walks.

One would think that a person of Harris' stature would garner some public support from the people in his district. They had one peson show up - an unidentified Harris campaign staffer. The staffer put up a "Harris" sign at 10am and then waited in a white Mercedes. After absolutely NO volunteers showed up, the unidentified staffer packed up the sign and left.


How could a person accused of taking money from big donors and depositing them into his personal bank account be popular with the people? Maybe he should tell them that he supported bills that would export their jobs to Malaysia and Vietnam? How about telling your constituents you denied the expansion of the Ventana Freeway because it cut through your father's farmland?

Yeah, I can see why people won't come out to support you. Time to start shelling out $10/hr to students and retirees for some paid support.

The people don't like you Rep. Harris. Do us all a favor and resign.