
Rep. Vincent Harris breaks crucial ethics law

The Thatch Act is a law that limits participation of federal workers in political campaigns. You can understand the reasons. It's to protect the public, since politicians can influence government employees and conversely, the government employees can be paid with YOUR tax dollars.

Well, one of the problems is that members of the San Alejandro courthouse were a little more than angry when Rep. Harris showed up on their worktime and campaigned for their vote.

The Thatch Act specifically states that government employees should be off the clock and out of uniform or government vehicles and AWAY from the work place when dealing with politicians.

Well, some of the courthouse employees were none to happy when Congressman Harris began shaking employees hands and thanking them for a "job well done" this year.

A court clerk asked courthouse Director of Communications, Jonathan Frey, if Congressman Harris' engagement with government employees was legal. Mr. Frey responded "what are they going to do... really?" Mr. Frey also asked courthouse employees if they were going to be voting for Rep. Harris.

A complaint was filed on behalf of courthouse employees after Congressman Harris' visit. The filing states that employees were intimidated and forced to listen to the Congressman.

Well, if Rep. Vincent Harris is corrupt and unethical, well how do you suppose he can uphold the basic laws of our country?

We need to take back district 63!!!!