
Smoking gun: Email proves Rep. Vincent Harris complicit in arrest and battery of local musician Darian James

Citizens for Real Change confirmed the validity of an email sent by an anonymous tipster containing a hyperlink to the screenshot of an email between Police Chief Robert Earl and Congressman Vincent Harris.

In the email, Chief Earl asks Harris: "Do you want us to beat some more sense into him (Darian James)?"

Citizens for Real Change witnessed the police brutality yesterday as Darian James, an unassuming young man, was minding his own business watching the Anti-Harris Street Theatre group performing across the street from the Ritz-Carlton.

Jimmy Laughlin, a street theatre performer witnessed the incident:

"I heard a cop say - 'look there's the kid' - and they (the cops) just jumped on him. One of them sprayed Darian with a can of mace and kicked him to the pavement. The other cops just started wailing on the poor guy with nightsticks. It was totally unprovoked. I couldn't believe it."

Click here to read the entire email.

Civil rights lawyer David Rosenfeld is expected to file a lawsuit against the police department, Chief Earl and Rep. Vincent Harris.